Over 9,000 workplace training resources... thoughtfully curated & ready to use! Check out our content library.



Whether new or seasoned, today's leaders face tough workplace issues... day in and day out. How can an organization help their management and leadership teams overcome their fears and deal with workplace inclusion, workplace harassment or ethics situations? Legal or compliance issues? Safety concerns? What can your organization do to quickly and efficiently boost managers & supervisors into forward motion? Sollah offers a library of programs that help all manager, supervisor and leadership levels become confident and competent in order to keep up with customer demands, manage team relationships and achieve bottom-line results!

Find Out How Sollah Can Help

Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow™: Action Steps for Success
Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow™: Action Steps for Success

Need to develop effective leadership skills? This is the program! Making the leap from peer to boss is never easy. In addition to dramatic change, new managers frequently struggle to balance their old coworker relationships with their new management responsibilities. Designed to help participants make a successful transition from “coworker” to “manager” or “supervisor,” Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow presents four proven strategies that will help new supervisors navigate changing relationships and prepare for the most difficult situations they’re likely to encounter as they assume their new role.



620+ Leadership Training Resources

Tools you need to build competency

65+ Leadership Workshops

Create impactful & meaningful discussions

200+ Leadership  eLearning Courses

Engaging content that drives performance


Maximized Leadership™ Understanding Empathy
Maximized Leadership™ Understanding Empathy

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another person's position. It’s a powerful tool to build and maintain relationships – both inside and outside the workplace!

Let's T.A.L.K.™ Navigating Difficult Workplace Discussions
Let's T.A.L.K.™ Navigating Difficult Workplace Discussions

Tackling difficult conversations is hard for just about everyone… especially when it comes to the trickier workplace issues that seem to pop up when you least expect it. This program provides several difficult scenarios that managers may face when dealing with employees and each scenario utilizes an easy-to- use, four-step process for working through the employee situation.

Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™
Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™

Right Side of the Line™ addresses harassment in all its form, including hazing, gossip, retaliation and more. This workshop meets federal compliance standards for harassment prevention training, giving employees the tools to resolve situations before they escalate. For your business issues on: Harassment, Discrimination, EEOC & Legal Issues.

Leadership Myths™
Leadership Myths™

Leadership is important to your company because it causes managers to make an emotional commitment to their jobs, not just a financial or intellectual commitment. When your job becomes a source of personal value fulfillment for you, you’re going to protect that source by making your company successful. But that’s not why you should be a leader. As a manager your most important responsibility is to your company. As a leader your most important responsibility is to yourself.

African American Manager


  • Easy-to-Implement Instructional Design
    Sollah takes the work out of creating effective workshops.
  • Realistic Video Scenarios
    Dramatic workplace situations that create real learning moments. 
  • Tackle the Tough Topics
    Training tools that ease the hard-to-start conversations.

Download Your FREE PDF Today!

Mistakes To Mastery: Seven Lessons From Training Missteps

Fill this form with your details to get the download link.

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​​Since 2010, we’ve helped thousands of talent development pro’s like you succeed. We’ve seen what steps lead to success and what missteps lead to failure. Download this FREE PDF to learn from others' mistakes. The advice in this document could be the difference between the success or failure of your training career. Get your FREE copy today.

A Training Option For Every Need!

Sollah has leadership training packages for every size organization. Let us help with your training objectives, requirements and specific training needs for online and/or facilitated training resources that improve workplace performance and behavior.

Video Package eLearning Package Library Package
Starting at $4,835 Starting at $8,125 Starting at $9,995
Up to 500 learners Up to 500 learners Up to 500 learners
One Video Program
Full Length Video, Workbooks, PPT
Five eLearning Courses
Hosted on your LMS
Access to 7,000+ Resources
Full Length Videos, Vignettes, Case Studies, etc.


Kaeser Compressors

Sollah really cared about our training and leadership development needs. Their team had a vested interest in our training and the overall accountability/metrics of the entire solution.


The response from our recent training program has been great! The professional quality and design of the video and materials truly engaged our trainees during the sessions. Great job Sollah!

Skender Construction

The online courses have been great! They are informative without being boring - which is exactly what we hope for with mandatory policy training! People are really enjoying the interactive features.


Sollah Client: Kaeser Compressors, Inc.

After quickly ramping up teams in the U.S., Kaeser assessed their new (and existing) leadership teams. Having found gaps in a broad range of management and leadership skills, Kaeser reached out to Sollah for help. Within weeks, Sollah curated a series of training courses and delivered content that tackled bad attitudes, diversity & inclusion, change management, coaching and more.

The library was rolled out to management teams based on assessment results and individual training needs.

Here's what the Kaeser team had to say after the successful roll-out... "Sollah really cared about our training and leadership development needs. Their team didn't just try to sell us a solution. They partnered with our HR and training teams, having a vested interest in our training implementation and the overall accountability/metrics of the entire solution. Previewing was very easy (using Sollah's Training Library) and we got the chance to work through each course and see how it fit into our leadership curriculum."

Training Objectives: Leadership Skill Development, Leadership Training for Front-Line Managers & Leadership Skills Training


Ethics & Compliance

Our online ethics & compliance programs meet legal standards to effectively inform and educate your workforce.

Inclusion, Equity & Belonging

Optimize your organization and learn about challenges and opportunities of cultural competence, communication and accountability in a diverse workplace.

Personal Performance

Empower your workforce with problem-solving and communication skills to achieve greater results every day.

Start Your Training Today!

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