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Calling People into the Conversation!

Educating others on racial inequities - and remaining open to discussing it - are powerful ways to address racism in the workplace. Sharing knowledge facilitates growth in the right direction and encourages a more respectful workplace.

Let Us Help You Start The Conversation

Racial inequity at work is real...

A recent survey by SHRM revealed that more than 2 in 5 Black workers (42 percent) feel they faced race or ethnicity-based unfair treatment at work in the past five years. [Source: SHRM - Overcoming Workplace Bias]. Now is the time to start positive and inclusive discussion about workplace inequities.

Defining Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)

Diversity is about the unique individual, cultural and organizational characteristics that affect an organization’s workforce, customers, and business practices. When people from different backgrounds come together, they bring interests, concerns and meanings that reflect their individual and group experiences.  Diversity dynamics result from this blending of experiences and perspectives.

Equity is defined as the state, quality or ideal of striving to be just, impartial, and fair. Equity often relates to organizational  policies, procedures, processes, and practices.

Inclusion is the intentional act of involving, empowering, and inviting all employees to contribute their best. Inclusion is the key to achieving the advantage of diversity. Inclusion gives people a sense of belonging and the experience that they are welcomed, respected, valued, and treated fairly based on who they are and what they bring and contribute to the organization.

Belonging is the that important feeling of security and support - a sense of inclusion and acceptance within a group. It's when an individual can bring their authentic self to work. By creating genuine feelings of belonging for all an organization improves both engagement and performance.

If we’re ALL IN against racism and racial inequity… we can create a culture of deep and caring engagement, one that builds trust, strengthens relationships and embodies the organization’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Starting the discussion around racism, racial inequities and workplace equality is often pretty tough... but Sollah has the tools to help you create effective, powerful conversations.

Workplace training programs for starting those discussions...

ALL IN!™ Tackling Tough Workplace Diversity Dynamics
ALL IN!™ Tackling Tough Workplace Diversity Dynamics

Organizations - now more than ever - need to understand how racism, racial inequity and other key diversity dynamics impact their efforts to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace and culture. This best-selling program focuses on the diversity dimension of race. By deepening awareness and understanding of race and racism, participants develop knowledge and skills that support and contribute to your organization’s overall diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Also available in eLearning format.

My Story™ (The Struggle is Real)
My Story™ (The Struggle is Real)

Featuring real life personal stories of racial inequity, bias and microaggressions, this powerful program helps start the difficult (but needed) conversations around recognizing the existence of racism and its impact on relationships. My Story™ provides learners with practical thought and discussion around recognizing and responding to the deep diversity and inclusion dynamics that are often grounded in racial and cultural differences. Also available in eLearning format.

Being F.A.I.R.™ Understanding The Power of Cultural Competence
Being F.A.I.R.™ Understanding The Power of Cultural Competence

An impactful diversity awareness program designed to help employees understand what diversity really is and when it matters most in the workplace. This program introduces the F.A.I.R.™ Approach as a practical way to improve an organization’s cultural competency. The approach can be used as a tool to build more positive, productive relationships at work that will help employees make better decisions that impact the overall productivity of the organization.

TrainingBriefs® Understanding Microaggressions
TrainingBriefs® Understanding Microaggressions

We all know the definition of bias, right? It’s the negative or positive assumptions usually applied to groups of people. It can be blatant (also known as explicit) or subtle. It can also be unintentional and unconscious. Microaggressions tend to be the everyday, subtle interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward another person or group. They can be intentional or unintentional and sometimes even well-meaning.

The Diversity Advantage...

Today, many organizations recognize the competitive advantage of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Organizations that do this well:

  • attract and retain a diverse and talented workforce
  • anticipate and satisfy the needs of a diverse  customer base  and  global market
  • leverage diverse knowledge, skills, and experiences to create innovative ideas and solutions

This advantage is not automatic or guaranteed. Beyond the issuance of policies and regulations, it takes people at all levels of the organization who are willing and able  to respond effectively to diversity and inclusion dynamics and create an environment that works for everyone.


Why Talk About Racial Inequity (and Racism) at Work?

“Race” is often a sensitive and controversial topic to discuss.  This is especially true when crossing lines of racial difference. In order to move forward together, we have to be able to  share, listen, and learn from one another.  

Some people may feel that this is no longer an issue and that the problems associated with racial bias and discrimination have been mostly resolved. Others may experience the impacts of racial bias and discrimination as something that exists today, in everyday life.

Both perspectives are present in the expression that “we’ve come a long way…and we have a long way to go.” It’s important that we all strengthen our understanding and skills in order to recognize and respond to racial dynamics in the workplace.

The Bottom Line: There is now more of every demographic available, which explains why more women and other groups are joining our organizations in increasing numbers AND in positions where there weren’t before. These demographic changes require us all to be conscious and intentional about eliminating racism, sexism and other forms of unfairness.

inclusion is cool

What are Microaggressions?

Sometimes people don’t recognize when and how racial bias is expressed in our society and in day-to-day interactions. Most of us have seen or experienced racial bias in the form of microaggressions, which are subtle, sometimes indirect, and often unintentional behaviors that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative racial messages or assumptions. Although these things may not be intended as racist, they can come across that way

Is Being “Color Blind” the answer?

Many people see being “color blind” as a solution to racial bias. But it can keep us from seeing what’s happening right in front of us. Our society as well as the workplace is not color blind. It never has been. Points of identity, like gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnic background or age… all matter to people. To say that you don’t see them is denying the existence of something that has a significant impact on our relationships.

Managers must support employees!

When racism or bigotry impacts an employee, the organization must step in and take immediate corrective action. Managers and supervisors need to be proactive in their support of employees, anticipate potential problems and step in if these situations occur. Any corrective action taken must be timely, must end the behavior and prevent its recurrence, and must not result in reprisal against the employee.

White men are protected, too.

It's easy to see how the focus on diversity, equity and inclusion has caused some white men to believe they have fewer opportunities. But the fact is that laws on fairness and equity apply equally to everyone. Efforts on the part of organizations to expand their race, gender, and ethnic diversity can’t legally, unfairly disadvantage any group. White males are protected by these same laws and have the same rights as everyone else.

Let us help you start the conversation.

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